Family (Parent) Engagement: Refers to an interactive process of relationship-building between early childhood professionals and families that is mutual, respectful, and responsible to the family's language and culture. Engagement in the early years prepares families to support their children's learning throughout their school years and support parent/family-child relationships that are key to healthy Child Development, School Readiness, and well-being.
Family Child Care: Early care and education provided for one or more unrelated children in a provider's home setting. Most states have regulatory guidelines for family child care homes based on the number and ages of children they serve as well as the number of hours their business operates.
Family Child Care Networks: Community-based programs that offer a menu of ongoing services and supports to affiliated Family Child Care providers. Network services typically include some combination of visits to providers' homes to offer Technical Assistance (TA), Coaching or Consultation, training workshops and peer networking opportunities. Networks may help new providers with Licensing assistance, CACFP applications or acquiring start-up equipment; they may help more experienced providers with specific supports for improving their practice, obtaining professional development (PD), or attaining national Accreditation. Family Child Care Networks are primarily funded through CCDF.
Family Literacy: Refers to a continuum of programs that support literacy for all family members. Family literacy programs are designed to help families overcome inter-generational cycles of illiteracy and poverty by providing integrated early childhood education, adult literacy, and parenting education in a unified program.
Family, Friends, and Neighbors (FFN) Child Care: Child care provided by relatives, friends, and neighbors in the child's own home or in another home, often in unregulated settings.
Financing Strategies: Refers to funding mechanisms and approaches that support early care and education services. Strategies typically include Blended Funded, Braided Funding and Layered Funding.
Fine Motor Skills: Actions that require control of the small muscles of the body to achieve skillfulness. Examples include drawing, cutting with scissors, handwriting, and playing a musical instrument. Compare with Gross Motor Skills.
Family Child Care: Early care and education provided for one or more unrelated children in a provider's home setting. Most states have regulatory guidelines for family child care homes based on the number and ages of children they serve as well as the number of hours their business operates.
Family Child Care Networks: Community-based programs that offer a menu of ongoing services and supports to affiliated Family Child Care providers. Network services typically include some combination of visits to providers' homes to offer Technical Assistance (TA), Coaching or Consultation, training workshops and peer networking opportunities. Networks may help new providers with Licensing assistance, CACFP applications or acquiring start-up equipment; they may help more experienced providers with specific supports for improving their practice, obtaining professional development (PD), or attaining national Accreditation. Family Child Care Networks are primarily funded through CCDF.
Family Literacy: Refers to a continuum of programs that support literacy for all family members. Family literacy programs are designed to help families overcome inter-generational cycles of illiteracy and poverty by providing integrated early childhood education, adult literacy, and parenting education in a unified program.
Family, Friends, and Neighbors (FFN) Child Care: Child care provided by relatives, friends, and neighbors in the child's own home or in another home, often in unregulated settings.
Financing Strategies: Refers to funding mechanisms and approaches that support early care and education services. Strategies typically include Blended Funded, Braided Funding and Layered Funding.
Fine Motor Skills: Actions that require control of the small muscles of the body to achieve skillfulness. Examples include drawing, cutting with scissors, handwriting, and playing a musical instrument. Compare with Gross Motor Skills.