In the late 1950’s an affiliate was formed in Omaha, and named the Nebraska AEYC. The organization began with four charter members: Jane Ford Hawthorne, June Hodges, Evelyn Zyman, and Naomi Ingsch.
By the late 1960’s enrollment had increased to approximately 70-75 members. Early childhood professionals from Lincoln and Grand Island participated in the meetings, and professionals from across the state joined the Omaha group, particularly at spring and fall conferences.
In 1968, members from Lincoln withdrew and formed their own affiliate, the Lincoln AEYC. Some of the charter members were Margaret Connealy, Sally Van Zandt, Helen Sulek, Sue Boswell, Joyce Donlan, Judy Bucklin, and Marty Dvorak.
In 1975, Western Nebraska formed their own affiliate and withdrew from the Omaha group.
At this time, there was discussion about forming a separate state group, so the Omaha association changed their name from Nebraska AEYC to Omaha AEYC.
March, 1976 – the spring conference, Open the Window on My World, was held in Lincoln at the Cornhusker.
Summer of 1976 – Representatives from NAEYC met with a small group of Nebraskans to help form the Nebraska Association for the Education of Young Children.
Charter members were: Judy Berryman, Judy Bucklin, Margaret Connealy, Betty Cooke, Barbara Debban, Jonah Deppe, Peggy Hetrick, Marilyn Jirsa, Bernie Johnson, Lyla Moran, Mary Petsche, Jessie Rasmussen, Lucille Saunders, Shirley Seevers, Connie Sheltren, Wilma Stutheit, and Jeanne Webb
The first officers for Nebraska AEYC 1976-1977 were:
Margaret Connealy, President, Lincoln AEYC;
Wilma Stutheit, Vice President, Central AEYC;
Barb Debban, Secretary, Western AEYC; and
Betty Cooke, Treasurer, Omaha AEYC.
Primary goals were development of by-laws and policies.
In October, 1976, the Central Nebraska AEYC was formed. This area included the towns of Kearney, Hastings, and Grand Island. They began with 25 charter members. First officers were: President, Judy Berryman; Vice President Artie Hobbs; Secretary Jean Putjenter; Treasurer, Bernadine Johnson.
March, 1977 – the spring conference was held in Lincoln
October, 1977 – the fall conference, Someone Special, was held in Kearney.
1977-1978 – Nebraska AEYC Officers for the second year were:
Wilma Stutheit, President, Kearney;
Lucille Saunders, Vice President, Omaha;
Lyla Moran, Secretary, Gering;
July Buklin, Treasurer, Lincoln.
Goals for this year were to establish a seat for Nebraska AEYC on the National Council for Teacher Education and the Nebraska Council for Children and Youth.
October, 1978 - The fall conference, the Trails of Childhood, was held in Chadron.
1978-1979 – Nebraska AEYC Officers for this year were:
Lucille Sanders, President, Omaha Affiliate;
Kayla Moore, Vice President, Western Affiliate;
Ann Nites, Secretary, Lincoln Affiliate;
Phyllis Kantaras, Treasurer, Central Affiliate.
Goals were to develop a Nebraska AEYC handbook and to bring the affiliates together by establishing a network system. Officer terms were changed from one year to two-year terms.
1978-1979 – Central Nebraska AEYC became a group of Kearney members only. Grand Island and Hastings were encouraged to start their own group.
Spring, 1979 - The spring conference, If You Care, Think Children – International Year of the Young Child, was held in Lincoln.
October, 1979 - The fall conference, To Live Fully as a Child, was held in Omaha.
1979-1980 – Nebraska AEYC Officers for this year were:
Lyle Moran, President, Western Affiliate;
Marty Minchow, Vice President, Lincoln Affiliate;
Shirley Deethardt, Secretary, Lincoln Affiliate;
Nancy Belcha, Treasurer, Omaha Affiliate.
April, 1980 - The spring conference, featuring Miss Jackie, was held in Kearney.
1980 – The South Central Nebraska AEYC was formed with 23 members. First officers were: President, Sue Rose; Vice President, Everett Lerew; Secretary, Blanche Statz; Treasurer, Kathryn Molczyk.
October, 1980 - The fall conference, Through the Looking Glass….The Wonderland of Childhood, was held in Lincoln.
Goals were to review the bylaws and policies, to develop job description for the executive committee members, to develop a policy handbook for state fall conference, to compile a current membership list, to assist in the organization of other local affiliates and to develop a NeAEYC logo and brochure.
October, 1981 – The fall conference, Tots are Teachers Too!, was held in Kearney.
Judy Balcom, Treasurer, Central Nebraska Affiliate.
Goals for this year were to continue the previous goals.
In September, 1982, the Platte Valley AEYC (Grand Island and Hastings areas) was formed, with 37 members. First officers were: Jeanne Webb, President; Theresa Farnik, Vice President; Karleen Beckman, Secretary; Shirley Keller, Treasurer.
October, 1982 - the fall conference was held in Omaha
1982-1983 – NeAEYC Officers for this year were:
Ellen Hellerich, President, Lincoln Affiliate,
Harriet Egertson, Vice President, Lincoln Affiliate,
Lucille Saunders, Secretary, Omaha Affiliate,
Tia McGuire, Treasurer, Mid-Plains Affiliate.
Goals for this year were to continue the review by-laws and policies, to be more concerned with issues rather than organization, to review a plan for reorganization of our present structure, and to review the financial arrangement.
March, 1983 - An honorary membership award was developed for a member who has done outstanding service in the organization, its program of work, its development and its membership or a Nebraskan who has done exemplary work to promote the rights, services, status and programs for/of children. Winners of this award during the 1980s were: 1983 – Margaret Conneally, Lincoln; 1984 – Ruthalee Jorgensen; 1985 – Paul Welter and Dot Boilsen; 1986 – Eloise Dillon, Omaha and Wilma Stutheit, Kearney; 1987 – Helen Sulek, Evie Zysman, and Millicent Savory; 1988 – Harriet Egertson, Fremont; 1989 – Don Wesley, Lincoln.
Fall, 1983 - The fall conference, Kids are Special People, was held in Scottsbluff.
1983-1984 – NeAEYC Officers for this year were:
Ellen Hellerich, President, Lincoln Affiliate,
Tia McGuire, Vice President, Mid Plains Affiliate,
Lucille Saunders, Secretary, Omaha Affiliate, and
Davina Schutzer, Treasurer, Western Nebraska Affiliate.
Goals for this year were to continue working on last year’s goals.
October, 1984 – the fall conference, How Do We Touch the Lives of Children? was held in Lincoln.
1984-1985 – NeAEYC Officers for this year were:
Harriet Egertson, President, Fremont,
Tia McGuire, Vice President, North Platte,
Lucille Saunders, Secretary, Omaha,
Davina Schutzer, Treasurer, Scottsbluff.
July, 1985 – the Northeast chapter was formed. Founders were Alvina Heller, LuAnn Kleinsasser
September, 1985 - Elkhorn Valley Affiliate (Fremont area) was founded. The first officers were: President, Janet Warner; Vice President, Marg Fuchs; Secretary, Janet Ludwig; and Treasurer, Debbie Riley.
October, 1985 – the fall conference, Just for Young Children, was held in Grand Island.
1985-1986 – NeAEYC Officers for this year were:
Harriet Egertson, President, Fremont,
Janet Hibbs, Vice President, Hastings,
Lucille Saunders, Secretary, Omaha, and
Anita Giesler, Treasurer, Omaha.
April, 1986 – the Columbus chapter was formed
October, 1986 – the fall conference, Reaching New Heights, was held in Kearney.
October, 1986 – Homestead (Beatrice) chapter formed. First officers were: Susan Goodrich Shelbourn, Debra Blas, Dee Kugler, Shirley Shaffer, Becky Luebbe.
1986-1987 – NeAEYC Officers were
Maxine Bauermeister, President, Lincoln,
Sally Wysong, Vice President, Lincoln,
Lucille Saunders, Secretary, Omaha,
Anita Giesler, Treasurer, Omaha.
1987-1988 – no information (no officers or conference information)
August, 1988 – the logo, Children…The Heart of the Matter, was designed by Dennis Stanton, and the organization received the Certificate of Copyright Registration.
October, 1988 – the fall conference, Exploring the Open Road with YoungChildren, was held in Lincoln
1988-1989 – NeAEYC Officers for this year were:
Sally Wysong, President, Lincoln,
Joan Givens, President-Elect, Omaha,
Lucille Saunders, Secretary, Omaha,
Alicia Baille, Treasurer, Lincoln.
October, 1989 – the fall conference, Celebrate Young Children!, was held in Grand Island.
1989-1990 – NeAEYC Officers for this year were:
Joan Givens, President, Omaha,
President-Elect, None,
Lucille Saunders, Secretary, Omaha,
Alicia Baille, Treasurer, Lincoln
October, 1990 – the fall Conference, Discover Young Children, was held in Columbus
1990-1991 – NeAEYC Officers for this year were:
Joan Givens, President, Omaha,
Linda Meyers, President-Elect, Lincoln,
Lucille Saunders, Secretary, Omaha,
Alicia Baille, Treasurer, Lincoln.
October, 1991 – the fall conference, Once Upon a Childhood… was held in Kearney
1991-1992 – NeAEYC Officers for this year were:
Linda Meyers, President, Lincoln
Joan Givens, Past-President, Bellevue,
Julie Lienemann, Secretary, Doniphan
Alicia Baillie, Treasurer, Lincoln
October, 1992 – the fall conference, Young Children & Families: Act Now! Working Today for Stronger Families Tomorrow, was held in Omaha
1992-1993 – NeAEYC Officers for this year were:
Linda Meyers, President, Lincoln
Linda Johnson, President-Elect, Kearney
Julie Lienemann, Secretary, Doniphan,
Alicia Baillie, Treasurer, Lincoln
October, 1993 – the fall conference, Free to be Me in 93, was held in South Sioux City
1993-1994 – NeAEYC Officers for this year were:
Linda Johnson, President, Kearney,
Linda Meyers, Past-President, Lincoln,
Katie Zabel, Secretary, Fairbury
Phyllis Chandler, Treasurer, Omaha
October, 1994 – the fall conference, Child’s Play…Preparation for Life, was held in Grand Island
1994-1995 – NeAEYC Officers for this year were:
Linda Johnson, President, Kearney
President-Elect, Mary Carstens, Minden
Katie Zabel, Secretary, Fairbury
Phyllis Chandler, Treasurer, Omaha
October, 1995 – the fall conference, was held in Columbus
Distinguished Service to Children Awards during the 1990s:1991 – Jeanne Webb, Grand Island; 1995 - Sally Wysong, Lincoln; 1996 – JoAnne Begley, Morrill; 1998 – Joyce Kinney, Englewood, CO (previously UNO).
1995-1996 – NeAEYC Officers for this year were:
Mary Carstens, President, Minden
Linda Johnson, Past President, Kearney
Katie Zabel, Secretary, Fairbury
Judy Miller, Treasurer, Omaha
April 17-20, 1996 – MidWest AEYC Conference, held in Lincoln
September, 1996 – the fall conference was held in Kearney
1996-1997 – NeAEYC Officers for this year were:
Mary Carstens, President, Minden
Pam Dolberg, President-Elect, Lincoln,
Katie Zabel, Secretary, Fairbury,
Judy Miller, Treasurer, Omaha
October, 1997 – the fall conference was held in Lincoln
1997-1998 – NeAEYC Officers for this year were:
Pam Dolberg, President, Lincoln,
Mary Carstens, Past-President, Minden,
Ruth Staley, Secretary, Kearney
Marcia Corr, Treasurer, Eagle
October, 1998 – the fall conference was held in Kearney
1998-1999 – NeAEYC Officers for this year were:
Pam Dolberg, President, Lincoln
Diane Ehrhardt, President-Elect, Wayne
Ruth Staley, Secretary, Kearney
Marcia Corr, Treasurer, Eagle
September, 1999 – the fall conference was held in Kearney
1999-2000 – NeAEYC Officers – no information
October, 2000 – NeAEYC Leadership Symposium, Expanding Leadership inEarly Childhood Care & Education, was held in York
2000-2001 – NeAEYC Officers for this year were:
Diane Ehrhardt, President, Wayne
Jeannine Huntoon, President-Elect, Lincoln
Ruth Staley, Secretary, Kearney
Marcia Corr, Treasurer, Eagle
March, 2001 – Distinguished Service to Young Children award – Linda Meyers
Fall, 2001 – Nebraska awarded the TEACH Early Childhood® contract
October, 2001 – the fall Leadership Symposium, Reaching the Full Cost ofQuality in Nebraska, was held in York