As early childhood educators you are probably experiencing a wide variety of emotions, including fear, anxiety, worry, anger, guilt, and on and on and on…… Brené Brown, an author and research professor at the University of Houston, has spent the past two decades studying courage, vulnerability, shame and empathy. Her words on courage, empathy and vulnerability speak to us at this time, and guide our conversations: “Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen.” So we knew we wanted to do something for the early childhood community across Nebraska, but we weren’t sure what that was, or how it would look. The idea of “Courageous Conversations” is to just look at the coming weeks with things changing daily, sometimes hourly, to provide a place for conversations. We hope to create a space to listen, empathize, clarify, support & share resources. A space to validate your fears and worries, to hear what you have to say, without having all of the answers! We will be providing you with some humor, some suggestions for self-care, a sense of connection, some resources and lots of courage! So, what’s on your heart?
Thank you to all 141 participants who joined in sharing concerns and resources during this time of uncertainty. Linked below are resources that were shared in the slide show, zoom chat box, and during conversation. We encourage you to continue searching for answers and creating community and we will keep adding to this page as more resources are made available.